For Consumers of
Department of Rehabilitation
Career Services
Premiere Career Services has partnered with the state Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) to provide specialized career services to Deaf and disabled job seekers with diverse backgrounds and abilities. We assist individuals with a variety of disabilities including (but not limited to): autism spectrum, chronic illness, learning disabilities, memory loss, mental health, intellectual and physical disabilities. In addition, staff are fluent in American Sign Language and trained in Deaf Culture.
Employment Services
Employment Services Intake:
Premiere Career Services staff will:
Assess/review appropriateness of job goal, as determined by DOR Counselor
Review job seeker’s Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE), as determined by DOR Counselor.
Review job goal in relation to the availability of job opportunities in the local labor market.
Analyze pertinent information and reports of prior work experiences and performance.
Employment Preparation:
Premiere Career Services staff will instruct job seekers in the following activities:
Employment Portfolio development (resume, cover letter, references, etc.)
Application preparation assistance
Interviewing techniques
Discuss appropriate work behaviors and work ethics, relevant work practices, appropriate grooming and hygiene, and assistance with the impact of employment on the consumer and his/her disability.
Identification of additional support services such as meeting transportation, childcare, or other needs.
Job Development and Placement
Premiere Career Services staff will:
Identify specific job openings appropriate for the job seeker as indicated in his/her IPE.
Provide methods and strategies to assist in job search.
Contact employers to identify job openings.
Obtain information detailing qualifications and work site requirements for specific job opportunities to ensure applicant readiness and success on the job.
Provide consultations at job site to identify or modify barriers.
Negotiate job carving, work site analysis, or other job accommodations.
Assist job applicant in the interviewing process.
Premiere Career Services staff will:
Contact job seeker and employer, by phone or in-person, to determine ongoing job satisfaction for 90 days.
Communicate monthly with job seeker’s DOR counselor to discuss progress and coordinate for any additional services that may be required.
Provide assistance with necessary supports to sustain employment.
Support Services
Job Coaching:
Premiere Career Services staff will:
Provide individual and group job coaching services at the worksite.
Provide intensive assistance and support in employment-related activities to promote job adjustment and retention.
American Sign Language Interpreting Services
Premiere Career Services staff will:
Provide sign language interpreter services, face to face or through a remote location, to facilitate communication between hearing and deaf or hard of hearing job seekers using American Sign Language (ASL).
Assessment Services
Situational Assessment (SA)
Premiere Career Services staff will:
Identify a job seeker’s level of employability through a short-term trial work experience.
Identify consumer’s strengths and barriers to employment and provide information to choose an employment goal based on preferences, strengths, abilities and needs.
Training Services
Personal, Vocational, and Social Adjustment (PVSA)
Premiere Career Services staff will:
Assist job seekers to develop or re-establish skills, abilities, personal characteristics, interpersonal skills, work behaviors, and functional capacities to achieve and maintain positive employment outcomes.
Address one or more barriers that are preventing a consumer from successfully completing his/her IPE.
Work Adjustment (WA)
Premiere Career Services staff will:
Use real work or approved volunteer sites to train job seekers in the meaning, value, and demands of a job to learn/reestablish skills, attitudes, personal characteristics, work tolerance, and appropriate work behaviors, in order to prepare consumers for long term employment.
Eligibility Requirements
Job seeker must have an open case with the state’s Department of Rehabilitation and be formally referred to Premiere Career Services for services
Job seeker must be able to qualify for DOR services by having a documented disability. Our staff can offer guidance to get enrolled in DOR services.